Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Mommy Blogger in the Making

From where I started to where I went with my blogging has evolved.

It all started with my shelfie

and it evolved into what I was going to write my literary criticism about.


The road has been filled with twists and turns, but that's the road that got us here. Being able to learn about what makes a good blog post versus an okay one is the ability to 1. read it easily, 2. make it meaningful. I was excited to work on a blog because that is a platform I read close to 4 times a week. Mostly fashion, but also lifestyle and fitness. It was nice to transform the traditional variances of being able to submit a paper in an English class to a digital platform. Also, as an Advertising major, I tend to do better as a colloquial writer. What can I say? I write as if I'm speaking to someone and I will own it.

All in all, this semester has brought reading to life for me. Not just watching something but analyzing it has always been important to me, as that is just what my family tends to do.

My favorite uncle, John
has instilled in me, from a young age the importance of watching a movie, play, or opera and then coming out and asking "why". I will never forget going to see Much Ado About Nothing in London, and then going out to dinner and analyzing the New Historicism and Biographical literary criticism technique to talk about everything that happened. 

The aid of great family and great teachers has made me an appreciative lifelong learner. Upon coming to this class, I was able to learn from those around me how to write and why writing was important. It fuels knowledge, ability, and it helps form one's opinion about the world. 

I'm grateful for my group, our witty and all-knowing class, and Professor Burton. It wasn't without them that I was able to learn my newly found skills and desire to continue my yearning for a minor in English. This may be an intro to English, but it was my middle to continuing my zest for learning and my appreciation to want to become better in all senses of the world. 

All in all, I've learned read, see, write, and analyze. Then come up with a claim that you believe in and write about it. Defend it. Why? Because it will only make life that much sweeter. And don't forget to have a readable prose. That's important too. 

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