Tuesday, March 13, 2018


My skin prickles as I look around the room, feeling a slight chill. I have
my buzzer waiting for my grilled chicken sandwich, and see the wall
workers fumbling with the mics ready to begin. Not my usual crowd or
spot of choice for a Saturday night, but cést la vie, the lights dim and
they begin. Everyone was animated, honest, and real in this room.
The presenters had courage, confidence, and something interesting
to say in a way that works with their minds. I just did a speech for my
public speaking class about the importance of stretching our creative
muscles, and this is the correct way to do so. It was warm, kind, and
a forgiving group of people open and receptive to everyone around
them. I liked the “buzz” of being in a room where energy was
flowing so freely and openly.

One of my favorite poets was a girl who got up there and really bore
her soul. She made reference to her family and her friends. I
resonated with her and her struggles and I felt like she was someone
who was real, and honest, and just a genuinely good person. I liked the
way she lit up the stage and gave herself her own personal spotlight.
She used ABAB rhyme style and it was compelling, witty, and
interesting. She was my favorite for the night.

All in all, it was something that I would go back to. The Wall creates
this great atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and valued. A
rare scenario to behold in a cliquey campus. I thoroughly enjoyed
the night.

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Putting Chaos in His Place